Experimental Thesis
Students enrolled in the Master Program in Biotechnological and Chemical Sciences in Diagnostics have to record a total of 12 ECTS (1 ECTS = 25 h) for carrying on an experimental research project that will be presented and discussed at the end of the educational path to get the degree.
The experimental activities can be carried out in any laboratory affiliated to a Department of the University of Torino, or to a public/private research institution with which the University has stipulated a formal agreement.
To start and finalize the activity, the students must complete the following procedure:
- Inform the Job Placement Office about the hosting laboratory, Tutor’s name, starting date and period planned for completing the thesis. In case the student is going to carry out the thesis in an external institution, the Tutor must fill out the following form and send it to the Job Placement Office before starting thesis research work;
- At the end of the thesis, the student must send to the Job Placement Office the declaration signed by the Tutor attesting the regular attendance to the activity;
- Enter in her/his MyUnito account and register to the specific activity (Experimental Thesis) for the formal approval of the ECTS.
Information about graduation day is published on "Bacheca appelli di laurea (please select Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Molecolari e Scienze per la Salute)
A.Y. 2023/2024
- July 12^th^ 2024
- October 14^th^ 2024
- December 9^th^ 2024
- March 17^th^ 2025
Important notice: Starting from autumn session 2024 the procedure for graduation will be entirely on line.
The new process is divided into three main steps:
- 1st step: submit the title
- 2nd step: fill the almalaurea questionnaire and submit the application
- 3rd step: upoload the thesis
Instructions for submitting the title achievement
Thesis deadlines a.y. 2023/2024 - autumn session 2024
In addition, students have to submit the following documents at the link(for the login use your UniTo student credentials, then select the degree session):
- Abstract in pdf format. Name the file as follows: Last Name_Abstract
- Thesis in pdf format. Name the file as follows: Last Name_Thesis
- For request of "Recommendation for Publication" (dignità di stampa) a copy of the accepted paper or a copy of the submission letter, in pdf format
The first two documents are mandatory.
Students who have already applied for the thesis session and intend to renounce are obliged to withdraw the application in the procedure.
If the deadline has already passed, you have to submit a written waiver to the Student Service Office using the Help Desk
Please note that students who renounced a thesis session are not automatically enrolled into the next one. It is mandatory to apply again within the deadline for the session you choose.
- Please refer to the UniTO portal webpage.